


Via Dell'Artigianato, 2/4
21040 Origgio (VA)

Tel. +39.02.96732112-14
Fax +39.02.96732116


Privacy Policy    
By filling in the form, the Client gives due consideration to the Law N° 675/96 concerning submission of personal information and authorises the use of personal data.
Note: the only purpose for this data collection is so that we and our business partners can mail product and service information and promotions. The data will be kept in paper type files and/or magnetic files it is your right to choose not give all or some of the information requested and to ask that this information be modified or cancelled.  

Ragione Sociale: GERLACH S.r.l. - Via Dell'Artigianato, 2/4 - 21040 Origgio (VA) ITALY - Cod. Fiscale e Partita IVA: 01211290125
Ufficio del Registro delle Imprese di: VARESE - Numero di iscrizione REA: 163486 - Capitale Sociale interamente versato: Euro 103.300.00